Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lego Party

     Since we were in lonely Japan for Cash's past 2 birthdays, we thought we would give him the rare treat of a party this year!  Fox planned most of it, and it was a Lego party, since Cash is really into Legoes right now.

Designing Lego Mini-Fig Heads

Playing Lego Chima Bowling

Pin the (Previously Designed) Head on the Mini-Fig

Lego Juiceboxes

Orange Creme Cupcakes with Nutella Cloud Frosting--Hmmm...I think this one was Mom's idea :)
Making a wish :)

This is my favorite picture of the night! Cash and Isaiah played quietly at the table for 3 hours after everyone went home!

    It was quite a low-key party with very well-behaved children--and very grateful parents--who were entertained by Fox for a few hours. 

Party in the U.S.A.!  Hooray!


Dave said...

Awesome! Did you make the figures on top of the cupcakes?

Mrs Abbott said...

I'm a little behind, but awesome party!!

Unknown said...

Pin the Head on the Lego! What an awesome idea for a party game. I might have to use that at my next party.

Larissa @golovebe said...

Very cool party ideas! Love the figures on the cupcakes - first photos I saw of those! Greta job and I bet Cash loved it all! xoxo