Dear Fox,
Your birthday came recently. (I won't name when or how old you are, since you are concerned about privacy). This was a very memorable birthday. It all started when we dragged the kids out in the snow to drive to Sam's Club to pick up their huge cheesecake you have been wanting. Turns out, they no longer stock those cheesecakes. No biggie, I decided to make you one.
You went out to lunch with your friends. Turns out, your car wouldn't start afterwards. Your afternoon of hanging out with your friends and family turned into an afternoon of trying to fix your car.
When you came home, you were presented with a giant homemade cheesecake and got so excited. Turns out, the cheesecake was beautiful on the outside but totally gooey on the inside. (Curse you, wonky oven!) No biggie, you had ice cream instead.
Later on, you helped bathe the kids and had so much fun. After the bath, when Coco was taken out, turns out she was pushing out a "biggie" at that moment, which somehow got flung about the bathroom when we tried to have her sit on the toilet to finish. No biggie, you cleaned it up.
You ended the day smiling and having an excellent day after all. Wow. You really are growing up. Here's to a memorable year!
We love you!!
Asher is training and a district leader!
1 week ago
Oh dear! Poor Fox! But what a trooper. Happy Late Birthday from all of us!
I posted "Happy Birthday" on Fox's FB page yesterday (our anniversary). Then I saw under his info section that it wasn't until the 24th. I immediately removed my message thinking that somehow Sheelah and I have been sending birthday cards and wishes on the wrong day all these years. LOL. So Happy Birthday to Fox - again!
Memorable at least right? Happy Belated to you again!
Just sent a text to 801 885 9495, and received a reply " who the #%#@* is Fox?" I Thought the internet was supposed to make communication easier! :-) Thanks for the phone message, I was a bit confused. Love to all the Ellis family - Doug
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