I have cute pictures of the kids, I do! I really hate to make blog posts without pictures, but I can't find my camera cord! Here's what I've been enjoying lately, though.
Fox and I finally got a date night! We left a restless Cosette and a sleeping Cash with Kelsy so we could go see "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". Fox and I always like to see movies that get Oscar buzz, because we are really huge fans of watching the Academy Awards (although some, including myself, would argue that the awards are not indicators of movie greatness). The movie was almost 3 hours long and a little melodramatic. However, the message of the movie is really sweet, and the music was wonderful. My date had to remove his glasses to wipe his tears. I would definitely see it (once).
Santa left "The Road" in my stocking, and I couldn't put it down. It is the story of a man and his son trying to survive in a world that is almost at its end. It won the Pulitzer and will be a movie later this year. It is a huge reminder to have food storage or who knows what you'll have to eat when the world is at its end.
Technically, this is a "watch" but the songs are so catchy that I count it as a "listen". This is a 42 minute musical about an evil villain (who isn't too evil) trying to get into the "Evil League of Evil", while at the same time trying to deal with unrequited love. It's hilarious, and you can watch it for free at hulu.com
Asher is training and a district leader!
1 week ago
You can also now buy the Dr. Horrible DVD off of Amazon. It has a musical commentary.
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